Friday, June 25, 2004

Out of Gas on our first night.

How many times will Rick run out of gas?  Well, its our fist night out and we were on the side of the road empty.  Thankfully our friend Perry lived close by and brought us enough to get to a station.  Rick thought the mechanic said "I put some gas in her."  but after some reflection at midnight he now thinks Woodie said "I'd put some gas in her!"  The 'd  on that I makes a big difference.  But, oh well, we are ok and it "is an adventure."   While filling up we met a fellow who stopped to look the car over.  His Quote of the Day was "I had dental surgery on Wednesday and it hurts to smile, but this baby is worth it."  So we met some one nice, got to chat with our friend and we are on the road again.  Good night everyone...........Cath

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out of gas on the first day!!!   What an adventure. Where have you been staying?  Any place cool and funky?