Thursday, June 24, 2004

We still need a name!!

A request for all our friends and family out there.  Put on your thinking caps.  She needs a name.  Well,  I assume it's a she because it's PINK!   If you have a good name send it our way.  But don't suggest "Pinkie".


Anonymous said...

How about ...."The Pick Lady"

Anonymous said...

Or...."The Pink Pig"

Anonymous said...

"the Tuscadaro" ; "porky"  ; "bubbles"

Anonymous said...

Gertrude Jekyll



Anonymous said...

 I say call her "Bismal"! Has a much better ring to it than "Pepto", doncha think?
 Wow! Glad to hear you guys bought a cool car and are off on a cool trip to meet cool people. You are my heroes.
 BTW, does the car have crushed velvet seat? Will you be oozin' down the street?

P.S.  OOPS..the correct spelling is "Bismol". Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Come on Now!  With our own vehicles named, Whitey, Blackie, Red dog and Brownie, Pinkie just seemed so appropriate.  :-)