Monday, June 28, 2004

GPS device and St. Louis or bust!

We plan to be in St. Louis tonight! Yesterday we bought a GPS device so now we know how fast we are going, where we've been and how many miles. So maybe we will not run out of gas anymore!!! Fingers crossed. there are two new photos on the homepage. CHEERS!!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys!! this is mike!! i hope you are having fun!! i havent been able to talk much b/c of you having no service, but i just wanted to say hi....well hope you have fun on the rest of your trip..cant wait until you get home!!  Mike

Anonymous said... there's a name!
A. J

Anonymous said...

Arn't those GPS things amazing? It should help you a lot.  If you stay in St. Louis you should go down to the River and go to some of the bars.  Last time I was there there was live music in many of them.  Very fun.